SLOPPY HILL "Corey Sun" ©PA74 Music Publishing

SLOPPY HILL "Corey Sun" ©PA74 Music Publishing

The song is an anthem style grungy tune with a melodic aspect that tells about society misconduct about human feelings.
"It was back in 2015 that Gon (Guitar, Vocals) and Stin (Drums) met. Both frustrated with the music that was been done in the Grunge/Rock scene, they decided to give it a new approach.
Both grew up listening to (and playing) the old Seattle bands, that made a real impression back in the 90´s.
The first rehearsal was held in an old convent and the rumbling drums and screaming guitar almost made the old walls fall, so they decided to rehearse in a new safer place .
In 2016 they rented an old farmhouse and were joined by Alice (Bass) and started the creation process that took around 2 years.
Inspired by the sinuous hills that surround the place, they started calling themselves the “Sloppy Hill” band, and the name sticked almost immediately.
In December 2017 they went to studio to record 12 songs with a help from a friend that was also taking his first steps in producing a Rock band.
Although the outcome was not the desired by the band members they still released 3 singles (Hit&Run, Real Lie, Slumber).
Meanwhile the band partnered with a new producer in order to release an EP. The new music, captures in a more decent way the band real sound, although still hanging on the 90´s scene melts with an aggressive guitar and crisped vocals always with a furiously sense of rhythm and completion. The first single is “Corey Sun” that is coming out in 2020. The band plan to launch 2 more singles in 2020 “Pain Strain” and “Blue Mary and her Pale Sister” and finally a complete 12 track album in 2021."
Music Genre:
Alternative Rock, Grunge, Hard Rock
